UN E-CIG Agenda Exposed
Great video from RebelMedia. Thank you to my subscriber Charles for sending this my way. Definitely worth a watch
http://ift.tt/2fRVcKs November 15, 2016 at 01:12PM GRIMMGREEN.COM http://ift.tt/177rnJE http://ift.tt/eA8V8JUN E-CIG Agenda Exposed
Great video from RebelMedia. Thank you to my subscriber Charles for sending this my way. Definitely worth a watch
http://ift.tt/2fRVcKs November 15, 2016 at 01:12PM GRIMMGREEN.COM http://ift.tt/177rnJE http://ift.tt/eA8V8J“On behalf of millions of us who now vape instead of smoke, and in support of the 1 billion smokers who deserve access to safer alternatives to cigarettes, we adopt today The Delhi Declaration, calling on the WHO and our countries’ representatives at Conference of the Parties 7 (COP7) to allow us to have equal access to safer alternatives to cigarettes,” said Tom Pinlac, president of The Vapers Philippines.