Double Feature 8-18-14
Hey everyone! welcome to the double feature for Wednesday August 20th 2014. As I said in my VLOG last week i’m currently out of town. Meaning my replies to comments will be few and far between. No matter, Got some vape gear to talk about this week including the TRES EVO mech mod from VapeNaked and the asMODus 30mm ( 26650 size ) RDA from Ultravaping.com
So tuck in, grab your best vape and enjoy the videos.
The TresEvo Mech mod
I received this product at no charge from the vendor for the purpose of doing a video, Therefore it has no monetary value to me. This video is my opinions and experiences with the product, and is in no way intended to be the final hammer of judgment.
Now then, Apart from the slight penny smell I get from this mod. I actually really like using it. The “tiger stripe” from my first impression is gone, and the mod itself is aging REALLY well. It’s Staying nice and shiny, and turning a nice light copper color. The mod hits well, has a nice short throw on the switch, and a somewhat fiddly, but not overly fiddly floating positive post.
It also has a locking ring which I rarely use, due to the fact that the button itself sits nice and flush with the bottom of the mod Vape budge hands time, the TresEvo clocks in at $179. It does include a carry pouch and 3 tube sizes for different sized batteries.
Feel free to check it out here
The AsModUs atomizer
I received this product at no charge from the vendor for the purpose of doing a video, Therefore it has no monetary value to me. This video is my opinions and experiences with the product, and is in no way intended to be the final hammer of judgment.
Now then. I do relize my build is not the perfect example of a paralell coil build, but it kind of gives you an idea of how it works if you have a 26650 size device, and you want a wicked high quality 26650 sized atomizer that is easy to build on and has nice airflow. then the AsModUs atomizer might be exactly what you’re looking for.
The middle sleeve secion secures to the base via a tiny tiny screw. Which makes the whole atomizer feel much more secure. The top pops off for super easy dripping and the whole things feels very nice It’s a helios 4 post hole design. The holes in the posts are VERY large. So something like a 29g kanthal dual coil would probably not work the best. Twisted 28g, or a nice paralel coils seem to work much better with those LARGE post holes.
The airflow is nice, but the flavor is slightly less intense than i’m used to with other smaller RDAs. Just due to that LARGE chaber on the inside. Performance is great, and quality is tip top Vape budget hands time, the AsModUs atomizer clocks in at $120. That’s a lot of scrilla for an atomizer. but you’re also getting a LOT of atomizer with the Asmodus. In the end the decision is yours to make
Feel free to check it out below
Thank you so much for watching everyone!!! have a great week
http://ift.tt/1riwPsw August 18, 2014 at 11:03AM GrimmGreen.com http://ift.tt/177rnJE http://ift.tt/1riwNkd